Plantwatch: how flowers keep themselves and their insect visitors cosy

19. března 2025 7:16


Translucent greenhouses and petals that close in poor light encourage flying pollinators to stop by for longerIt is tough being a flower in the chill air of springtime when pollinating insects are reluctant to fly, but some flowers turn into solar heaters to warm up visiting insects and increase the chances of pollination.The cup-shaped white flowers of mountain avens raise their temperature by 3C to attract insects and keep them cosy, and that warmth also makes the flower produce sweeter nectar for the insects, encouraging them to visit and stick around basking and feeding in the flower to increase the chances of cross-pollination. The warmth helps accelerate the flower's pollination process, resulting in heaver seeds and improved germination. So it's a win-win situation for plants and insects. Continue reading...


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