'It's beautiful, don't you think?' The urban miners unearthing treasure in Belgium's homes and garages

19. března 2025 14:31


As the historic town of Leuven strives to become carbon neutral, it is transforming how its building are made - and demolished. Are there lessons for the rest of the world?Kelly Sempels' dad was a builder, most of her five brothers are builders, and, until leaving her last job, she too was a builder. Now, after a career fixing roofs and laying bricks Sempels is plying a new trade: "urban mining". She and her crew of six still dress and talk like builders, but their focus now revolves less around construction than dismantling."I love it when I can go to work and learn something new," says the 43-year-old, pointing to a pile of laminate floor tiles in the corner of the terrace house that she is helping to strip. "Like how to break wooden floors without actually breaking them." Continue reading...


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INISOFT - software pro odpady a životní prostředí
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