Canada's Marineland to rehome its whales and dolphins as it seeks a buyer

20. března 2025 14:16


Conservationists voice concern that the Ontario theme park will struggle to find suitable homes for its animalsCanada's embattled Marineland theme park is to raise money to "expeditiously" remove animals from its grounds, including the world's largest captive beluga population, as it looks for a buyer. But a lack of available sanctuaries in the country suggests finding a home for stranded whales, dolphins and pinnipeds will be a daunting task.In February, the park won approval to divide its sprawling property so it can take out mortgages on separate parcels, with the aim of using the funds to keep the park operating and to move the animals. In documents filed to the city of Niagara, Marineland said the financing it had secured "requires the owner to remove the marine animals from the property expeditiously". Continue reading...


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