The Guardian view on China's EV breakthrough: helped by the kind of strategic state Elon Musk despises | Editorial

23. března 2025 19:46


BYD, a Chinese carmaker once dismissed by Tesla's CEO, claims to have outpaced western rivals with charging tech that's as fast as filling petrol enginesTesla's boss, Elon Musk, once thought the idea that China's BYD could compete with his company was laughable. In 2011, he smugly dismissed the Chinese carmaker as unimpressive, its products unattractive and its technology "not very strong". He's not laughing now - and not just because Tesla's stock has plummeted amid a boycott by motorists protesting against his embrace of far-right politics. More pressingly, Mr Musk, like other western carmakers, has been outpaced by BYD.Last week, the Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer unveiled new charging technology that, it says, is capable of delivering 400km (249 miles) of driving range in just five minutes - as quick as filling up a petrol car. The system, released next month, will be fitted in two EVs, priced from 270,000 yuan (?29,000) - comparable to Tesla's most affordable model in China. Yet BYD claims to quadruple Tesla's kilometres-per-minute charging rate. Technological supremacy at a competitive price may help to explain why BYD now sells seven times as many cars in China as Tesla. Continue reading...


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