Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
London Dumping Convention - London Dumping Convention [eko.]
London - Londýn n: [jmén.] [zem.] hl.m. - Velká Británie
London - londýnský adj:
London - Jack London n: [jmén.] americký spisovatel
London smog - smog typu London [eko.]
dumping - pobízení n:
dumping - dumping n:
anti-dumping - antidumpingový [eko.]
dumping site - skládka odpadu [eko.]
dumping ground - odval
dumping ground - skládka odpadu [eko.]
convention - dohoda n:
convention - konvence n:
convention - úmluva n:
Paris Convention - Paris Convention [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** - CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** - Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** [eko.]
Convention to Protect the Ozon Layer - Convention to Protect the Ozon Layer [eko.]
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Poluttion *** - Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution *** [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife *** - Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife *** [eko.]
Convention on International Trade in Endangered *** - CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered *** [eko.]
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution *** - Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution *** [eko.]
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species *** - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species *** [eko.]
Geneva Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution - Geneva Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution [eko.]