Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
computer science - informatika n:
computer language - strojový jazyk
mainframe computer - mainframe n: [it.]
archival science - archivnictví n:
information science - informatika n:
Science Fiction - sci-fi [zkr.]
SF (Science Fiction) - sci-fi [zkr.]
S&T - Science and Technology [zkr.] [voj.]
sci-fi - science fiction
BES - Bachelor of Engineering Science [zkr.]
DSB - Defense Science Board [zkr.] [voj.]
AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science [zkr.] [voj.]
MCIBTY(SN) - My Computer Is Better Than Yours (So Nyerrr) [zkr.]
CAE - Computer Aided Engineering [zkr.] [voj.]
SBCN - Sitting Behind the Computer, Naked [zkr.]
SNAC - Sitting Naked At Computer [zkr.]
CATT - Computer Assisted Technolgy Transfer [zkr.] [voj.]
CAMIS - Computer Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery [zkr.] [voj.]
CRPG - Character (or computer) Role Playing Game [zkr.]
GH - Getting Hard (male) (people accepting blindly what the computer says) [zkr.]
PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association [zkr.] [it.]
PCB - Please Call Back Personal Computer Memory Card International Association [zkr.]