Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
pilotless aircraft - bezpilotní letadlo n:
pilotless - bezpilotní adj:
aircraft - letoun n:
aircraft - letecký
aircraft - letadlo
anti-aircraft - protiletecký adj:
MEA - More Electric Aircraft [zkr.] [voj.]
ABDR - Aircraft Battle Damage Repair [zkr.] [voj.]
ASAN - Assessment System for Aircraft Noise [zkr.] [voj.]
HiMAT - Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology [zkr.] [voj.]
FISTA - Flying Infrared Signatures Technology Aircraft [zkr.] [voj.]
JPATS - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System [zkr.] [voj.]
AMFABS - Advanced Maintenance Free Aircraft Battery System [zkr.] [voj.]
APSI - Aircraft Propulsion Subsystem Integration (JTDE & JETEC) [zkr.] [voj.]
MADMEL - (Power) Management And Distribution System for the More Electric aircraft [zkr.] [voj.]
STOVL - Short TakeOff and Vertical Landing (fighter/attack aircraft) [zkr.] [voj.]