Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
think - domnívat
think - domnívat se
think - myslet
think - pomyslet
think - pomyslit
think - myslit
think - myslet si
think - soudit
think - think/thought/thought v: [neprav.]
think - mínit v:
think back - vzpomínat v:
think better of it - rozmyslet si
think better of it - rozmyslet si to
think of - pomyslet si
think of - pomyslit si
think of - pomyslet na (acc)
think out - promyslet v:
think out - rozmyslit v:
think over - rozmyslet si
think over - promyslit v:
think tank - mozkové centrum
think up - vymyslet
think up - vymyslit
thinkable - myslitelný adj:
thinker - myslitel n:
thinkers - myslitelé n:
thinks - myslí