Pátek, 3. ledna 2025

Czech republic will to participate in global action against waste

On World Cleanup Day, 21 September 2019, millions of people in over 150 countries will stand up against global waste pollution by cleaning up communities, parks, forests and beaches. Thousands of communities will act together as one, creating a powerful 'green wave' of cleanups spanning from New Zealand to Hawaii and lasting for 36 hours.

Czech republic will to participate in global action against waste

Miroslav Kubásek, team leader for World Cleanup Day in Czech republic noted: "During World Cleanup Day last year, nearly 18 million volunteers from 157 countries around the world managed to collect 82,000 tons of waste. By collecting garbage, volunteers are not only trying to improve the environment where they live, but also to show their interest in the future of our planet and set an example for others. Our common goal is to involve up to 5% of the population, i.e. 380 million people, in the future".

The aim of World Cleanup Day is not only to pick up waste, but to also raise awareness of the severity of the global climate crisis, drive behaviour change towards less consumption and induce companies, organisations and governments to adopt more sustainable environmental policies. World Cleanup Day is organised by Let's Do It World - a global movement that supports and connects a new generation of community leaders, who are ready to act together to find lasting solutions for the waste problem in their countries.

"Cleaning beaches and public areas sounds like something that has been done before. Our mission is not just about cleaning, but about actually stopping this problem once and for all. Humans are the only species who have managed to generate something that cannot be used by the rest of the ecosystem - waste. 80% of the plastic that floats today in our oceans has come from land, so we need to start there, working hand-in-hand with local communities," Heidi Solba, the President and Head of Network of Let's Do It World, explained.

Let's Do It World was born in the small Northern European country of Estonia in 2008, when 50,000 people cleaned up the entire country in just five hours. Since then, the model of cleaning a country in a single day has spread around the world, creating one of the fastest-growing grassroots movements ever.

To be part of Czech republic's World Cleanup Day effort check out the cleanup map www.UklidmeCesko.cz/map and join an event near you. If there is no event organized near you, in your city or neighborhood, take your own initiative and organize a public cleanup yourself. Or if you are a lone ranger, go and collect it on your own. Find out more online at www.UklidmeCesko.cz and www.WorldCleanupDay.org.

Ukliďme Česko (Let's Clean Up The Czech Republic) is a voluntary cleaning event which takes place all over the Czech Republic (and even in a few places outside of it). Its purpose is to clean up illegal black dumps and mess. Event is organized by NGO Ukliďme Česko z. s. in cooperation with other organizations. (cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukli%C4%8Fme_%C4%8Cesko)

World Cleanup Day
is a global cleanup event organized by Let's Do It World aiming to make the world a cleaner place and raise awareness of the harms of mismanaged waste through cleanups and campaigns in participating countries across the world. (www.WorldCleanupDay.org)

Let's Do It World (LDIW)
is a global organisation focused on finding solutions to this situation through the use of innovative technology, training leaders and a massive global citizen action called World Cleanup Day. In 2018, more than 18 million people in 157 countries joined cleanups in their communities. The movement is now getting ready for World Cleanup Day 2019 on September 21st. (www.letsdoitworld.org)
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