Ostrov Lampedusa, nejižnější část Itálie. Je největší ze souostroví Pelagických ostrovů. Má rozlohu 20,2 km^2. Nachází se asi 200 km od Sicílie a 110 km od Tuniska. Obyvatelé se živí rybářstvím, zemědělstvím a turistikou. Na ostrově nejsou zdroje vody, vyjma nečetných srážek. Ostrov v poslední době proslul jako brána nelegálních migrantů do EU.
Ostrov Lampedusa
Lampedusa geologically belongs to the "Pelagian Province" : it lies on a structural high called the Lampedusa Plateau. The Pelagian platform is a structural member of the African continent.
South/Central Mediterranean Sea USGS defined Pelagian Province
(Courtesy of T.R. Klett)
Cross Section: geology of the Pelagian Province from North to South (Courtesy of T.R.Klett)
A geological map of Lampedusa - by Grasso and Pedley (1988):
Lampedusa is almost wholly composed by limestone: comparison with similar sequences in Sicily and Malta indicates that the genesis of Lampedusa carbonates can be most likely dated to the late Tortonian early Messinian age (end of Miocene). Lampedusa is essentially a tilted block of limestone, the rock composing the island is a white to creamy-yellow soft limestone.
Limestone Layers -Lampedusa NW
The carbonate deposits on Lampedusa accordingly show evidence for syntectonic sedimentation with most of the syntectonic sedimentary features directly related to movements along the Cala Creta fault on the Eastern coast of the island. The presence of limestone rocks on the island of Lampedusa perhaps had a fundamental role on nature of the megalithic development of the prehistoric settlements on Lampedusa.
ZDROJ:Megalithic Lampedusa, kráceno
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