Středa, 12. března 2025

DNV´s Prunéřov assessment shows deviations

DNV´s Prunéřov assessment shows deviations

Prague: DNV´s assessment of Prunéřov II power plant revamp in the Czech Republic shows deviations from Best Available Technology (BAT), with insufficiently explored technical grounds.

DNV on Thursday published the findings of its assessment of the revamp of the Prunéřov II power plant in the Czech Republic. The assessment concludes that the refurbishment project complies with most Best-Available-Techniques (BAT) requirements, but deviations were observed on net unit efficiency and on CO emissions. The technical reasons for deviating on net unit efficiency have not been fully explored by the investor. Insufficient technical justification was found on the deviation on CO emissions.

DNV, an independent international risk management firm, was contracted by the Czech Ministry of the Environment to assess the proposed revamp project for the Prunéřov II power plant early February. The scope included the technical analysis of compliance with Best-Available-Techniques as described in BREF documents, the evaluation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and documentation, and the calculation of the impact of deviations from BAT in terms of CO2 emission.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process was conducted in line with Czech requirements and current practice in Europe. In general, the EIA documentation adequately shows that the project will improve environmental quality compared to the current level. Issues of concern are the localized deterioration of air quality, the absence of asbestos and contaminated land survey data, and the uncertainty on the future impact of seepage water from the stabilized combustion by-products.

The impact from the deviation on net unit efficiency in terms of CO2 emissions is calculated as 205,082 tons of CO2 per year, which corresponds to an increase of 5% over the projected emissions from a BAT-compliant plant.

International DNV experts

A team of international DNV experts performed the assessment in February - March 2010.

Contact persons:

Tore Hoifodt, Senior Vice President: 004790602694

Eva Halvorsen, Communications manager 004790680956

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