Čtvrtek, 13. března 2025

Assisting Member States in improving waste management based on an assessment of their waste policy performance

Assisting Member States in improving waste management based on an assessment of their waste policy performance

Launched as part of the Commission's efforts to ensure proper implementation of EU waste legislation, this study aims at supporting EU Member States with the largest implementation gaps. It comprises the following phases:

  1. Identifying objective criteria to assess the waste management situation in all Member States;
  2. Screening of Member States according to these criteria in order to provide a 'scoreboard' and identify the 10 Member States with the largest implementation gaps. The screening report is available from the following link. Press release - Municipal waste Management.
  3. Issuing, for these 10 Member States, concrete policy recommendations/Roadmaps and organising 10 bilateral meetings with relevant authorities in the respective capitals to discuss the way forward (autumn 2012);
  4. Finalising the study and organising a final meeting with representatives of the 10 Member States (March/April 2013).

The study was launched in December 2011 and should be finalised in May 2013.

More on:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/studies/index.htm


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