Čtvrtek, 13. března 2025

Navštivte athénské hory (Visit Athens mountains)

Každý kdo přijede do kolébky starověké historie, Athén, navštíví samozřejmě nejznámější athénský vrcholek - Akropolis s Parthenónem. Okolí Athén je však tvořeno množstvím dalších zajímavých pohoří jako je vrcholek Phillopapou, Lykavittos s možností dopravy pomocí lanovky, Bájé pohoří Penteli a Hymittos, kde se lámal mramor pro straověké athénské chrámy a je zde velké množství monastýrů a např. také pohoří parnita, kde je dokonce možno i lyžovat. Záróveň je částečně i mementem, jež upozorńuje na ničivost lesních požárů.

Navštivte athénské hory (Visit Athens mountains)


Parnitha had first been inhabited during the Mycenaean period; it had always constituted a key-point in Attica´s defence, as it had been the most fortified mountain in ancient Greece.

The highest mountain in Attica (1.400 m) and one of the most beautiful mountains of Greece is located 30km northwest of Athens. Mount Parnitha´s National Park has an area of more than 300 square kilometres. It is home to 30 species of mammals (deer, hares, foxes, etc) and 120 bird species (many of which are endemic); what is more, over 800 kinds of herbs and plants grow on it, which accounts for 17% of the flora of Greece. Walk on hundreds of footpaths, take a mountain bike ride on a designated trail in the area of Agios Merkourios, explore dozens of small caves and visit a lot of beautiful churches and monasteries (Agia Triada, Moni Kleiston, Moni Agiou Kyprianou etc). At the location Bafi (alt. 1,160 m. tel. 210 24.69.050) and Flambouri (alt. 1,158 m.tel., two mountain resorts operate with a capacity of 50 persons each. The mountain attracts climbing fans (locations "Arma","Katebasma Gouras", "Flambouri", "Korakofolia" and "Megalo Armeni"). Moreover, one can visit the luxury hotel "Mont Parnes" and challenge their luck in the casino.

Frourio Filis. This fortress is located on the west slope of the mountain. It was built during the 4th century B.C in a strategic position with an unobstructed view, replacing an older one nearby. SE of the fortress along the road leading to Athens, there are still visible chariot wheel tracks.

Spileo Panos. (Cave of God Pan) is located near Frourio Filis, it is accessible via a stream, by climbing a rough slope. It had been named after the Nymphs and God Pan who had been worshiped in that area. 2,000 lanterns had been found in the cave that consists of two halls decorated with stalagmites and stalactites; there, one can still see the sockets for the votive offerings carved on the rocks since antiquity.

Getting there. If you use your own car, follow the National Road towards Lamia and take a left turn at the Parnitha exit. The road leading to the top follows a picturesque route, with many turns. If you do not want to take your car to the top, park at the foot of the mountain and take the funicular.

ZDROJ: www.greece.gr, Youtube
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