Mozambique: the secret rainforest at the heart of an African volcano

17. června 2018 10:31


A 'dream team' of scientists scaled Mount Lico and found a wealth of new speciesStanding in a pit in the red soil of a mountaintop forest in northern Mozambique, Dr Simon Willcock was dirty but very excited. "Undisturbed forest is incredibly rare," he said. "That is why we scaled a 125-metre-tall cliff with a pickaxe." Willcock, from Bangor University in Wales, knew of no other rainforest in Africa that scientists can confidently say has not been disturbed by humans. "It's a unique site in Africa," he said, plunging the axe down into the chest-deep hole with a whump.Like a villain's fortress in an old James Bond movie, Mount Lico rises vertically from the land around it, the ancient centre of a volcano with the forest nestled in its crater. It was discovered by Dr Julian Bayliss, who examined satellite imagery looking for an undisturbed tropical rainforest. When he spotted Lico on Google Earth, he said, the forest on top "was isolated and appeared totally undisturbed". With a smile, he added: "That makes it very exciting." Continue reading...


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