Environmental Economics, Policy and International Environmental Relations



Call for abstracts
University of Economics, Prague
and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
in co-operation with the Ministries of the Environment
of the Republic of Hungary, of the Republic of Poland, and of the Slovak Republic
are preparing the
12th annual international conference
Environmental Economics, Policy
and International Environmental Relations
of PhD. students, young scientists and researchers
(up to 39 years of age)
The main goal of the conference is an exchange of views and discussion on selected current problems in the respective areas. All contributions will be published in the conference proceedings.
The selected presented papers thematically linked with the topic of "International Environmental Relations & Green Economy" will be published in double blind peer-reviewed monograph (in the English language). The consultant(s) of PhD student(s) may be listed as co-author(s), but the PhD student(s) or young scientist(s) must be listed as the first author(s).
Date of the conference: 11-12 October 2010
Venue: University of Economics, W. Churchilla Square 4, Prague 3

Presentation topics suggested for the 2010 conference:
A) Key topic 1: Climate change - socio-economic aspects and international policy
O Integration of climate change policies into the protection of ecosystems
O Perspectives of international negotiations of post-2012 greenhouse gases emissions reduction regime
O Adoption of GHG new reduction targets - evaluation of possible economic, social and environmental impacts from national, regional and global perspective
O Possibilities of shift to low-carbon economy
O Adaptation measures and the role of emerging economies
O New climate change regime - challenge for overall economic, fiscal and tax policies and competitiveness
O Impact of new global climate policy on global financial structure
B) Key topic 2: International environmental problems and policy
O Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication
O Green growth as a way out of the current economic crisis and other global challenges
O Environmental policies of the Visegrad Group countries and its impact on regional state of the environment
O Relationship between global production, international trade, investments and the environment
O Official development assistance as an instrument for promotion of sustainable development and greening of economy
C) Theoretical and practical issues of environmental economics and policy:
O Theory and practice of economic valuation and pricing of the environment
O Alternative economic indicators of sustainable development
O Public and private expenditures on environmental protection: quantification options, effectiveness, optimization
O Free-market solutions to environmental problems; property rights and environmental protection
O Costs and benefits analyses in environmental economics and policy
O Theoretical and practical issues of environmental tax reform
O Voluntary approaches and voluntary agreements in the environmental policy
O Environmental policy integration and environmental governance
O Long-term history of environmental policy in (selected) countries
D) Other topics:
      Feel free to suggest any other interesting theoretical or/and practical issues of    environmental economics and policy in relation to the project you are working on.
During the selecting procedure of the conference presentations and discussion topics, such will be preferred that will seek the solution to and discussion on specific theoretical and practical issues. Descriptive contributions without authors´ own comments, opinions and value added will not be accepted. As the steering committee of the conference, during the selection of contributions, can rely only on abstracts sent, please, pay special attention to their quality.
The contributions and presentations may be divided into two categories:
a)     Presentations
b)    Discussion topics
Each category will be limited by time for presentation.
The abstracts:
-         Full name(s) of the author(s)
-         Affiliation
-         Contact address including e-mail
-         Text: 300-400 words (in English; MS Word - formats "doc" and "rtf")
-         Deadline: 25 June 2010
-         Info about the presentation acceptation - before 10 July 2010
-         Send by e-mail to: lisepu@seznam.cz
-         If you do not receive a delivery confirmation within 5 working days, please re-send the abstract.
The expected deadline for sending in the papers is 31 August 2010. Detailed instructions for elaborating and sending your paper will be distributed together with an announcement about the acceptance of your contribution. The participants will be asked to participate in the peer-reviewing process of the papers. The final selection of papers for publication will be exercised during the conference. The authors will be asked to proof-read the page lay-outs and to sign a statement that the paper has not been published nor submitted for publishing elsewhere.
There is no conference fee
The participants manage and pay their travel and accommodation individually.

Conference Steering Committee:
Mr. Petr Sauer (University of Economics, Prague)
Mr. Jiri Hlavacek (Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic)
Mr. Miroslav Hajek (Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic)
Additional information about the scientific issues:
Doc. Ing. Petr Sauer, CSc.
Head of the Department of Environment Economics
University of Economics, Prague
W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Organization information and the address for sending the abstracts:
Ms. Jana Sauerova
Lisepu [ad] seznam.cz
Feel free to distribute this call to all who might be interested in it!

Místo konání akce:
Adresa konání akce:
University of Economics, W. Churchilla Square 4, Prague 3
Ms. Jana Sauerova
červen 2011


Asekol - zpětný odběr vysloužilého elektrozařízení
ELEKTROWIN - kolektivní systém svetelné zdroje, elektronická zařízení
EKO-KOM - systém sběru a recyklace obalových odpadů
INISOFT - software pro odpady a životní prostředí
NEVAJGLUJ a.s. - kolektivní systém pro plnění povinností pro tabákové výrobky s filtry a filtry uváděné na trh pro použití v kombinaci s tabákovými výrobky
E.ON Energy Globe oceňuje projekty a nápady, které pomáhají šetřit přírodu a energii
Ukliďme Česko - dobrovolnické úklidy
Kam s ním? - snadné a rychlé vyhledání míst ve vašem okolí, kde se můžete legálně zbavit nechtěných věcí a odpadů