David Attenborough's online Wild Isles isn't too hard-hitting for TV - it doesn't go far enough | Dave Goulson

10. dubna 2023 14:00


I was hoping for a film that would wake people up to the dismal state of British nature. This charming episode won't do that It was with some trepidation that I began viewing the online-only episode of David Attenborough's latest documentary series, Wild Isles. The episode, Saving Our Wild Isles, focuses on the threats facing British wildlife and those fighting to save it.Rumours had abounded that the BBC dared not broadcast this final episode on television because it was too hard-hitting, with some suggesting it was too critical of government action or inaction. I braced myself, expecting images of rivers polluted with plastics, sewage and pesticides, tales of dwindling numbers of insects, birds and mammals, of ancient woodlands destroyed, overfished seas, mature urban trees felled, meadows ploughed, raptors such as golden eagles poisoned, the climate crisis running amok.Dave Goulson is a professor of biology at the University of Sussex, where he specialises in bee ecology Continue reading...


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