On my radar: Dave Eggers's cultural highlights

10. února 2024 16:18


The American author on whale watching, Kehinde Wiley's hypnotic paintings and an indispensable Canadian singer-songwriterDave Eggers was born in Boston in 1970, raised in Illinois and now lives in San Francisco with his wife, the novelist Vendela Vida, and their two children. He is the author of many books for adults and children, among them The Circle, What Is the What, The Every and The Eyes and the Impossible. He is the founder of McSweeney's, a nonprofit, independent publishing company, and two nonprofit organisations - 826 Valencia and ScholarMatch - aimed at giving low-income young people the ability to write and to access higher education, debt-free. His latest picture book, Soren's Seventh Song, about a young humpback whale, is out in the UK this month (Cameron Kids). Continue reading...


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