Humanity's survival is still within our grasp - just. But only if we take these radical steps | David King

27. května 2024 14:03


Reduce emissions, build resilience, repair ecosystems, remove greenhouse gases: these are the four Rs that can save usDavid King is chair of the global Climate Crisis Advisory GroupIn 2008, the late American climate scientist Wally Broecker warned of the global repercussions of polar ice loss. Today, his predictions echo louder than ever as Greenland ice haemorrhages at an alarming rate, threatening rapid sea-level rise. Over the past 15 years, the Arctic Circle region has been heating up at four times the global average; it's now more than 3C above levels in the 1980s. In 2023, we witnessed a staggering loss of Antarctic Sea ice.Over the past year, land and ocean temperatures have soared, far beyond what was anticipated for an El Ni?o year. Global average temperatures have breached the 1.5C mark, indicating that climate transition has been unleashed. From record-breaking wildfires across continents to catastrophic floods threatening to submerge major cities, extreme climate events have become the new norm, causing massive loss of life and economic damage worldwide.David King is the founder and chair of the global Climate Crisis Advisory Group Continue reading...


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