'Even the breeze was hot': how incarcerated people survive extreme heat in prison

21. září 2024 22:03


The Marshall Project and the Prison Journalism Project asked incarcerated reporters to document the impact of extreme heat on their facilities. Their stories reveal the brutal realityAfter a summer of record-breaking temperatures, scientists predict that 2024 could end up being the hottest year on record. For people in US prisons and jails - who often lack access to even the most basic cooling measures - conditions behind bars exacerbate the risks of dangerously high temperatures.Several courts have ruled that extreme temperatures in prison violate the eighth amendment's provision against "cruel and unusual" punishment. But these rulings have not led to a widespread adoption of air-conditioning or other methods to cool prison facilities or prevent heat-related deaths. Public health researchers at Brown University estimate that just one day of above-average summer temperatures is associated with a nearly 4% increase in deaths of incarcerated people. Suicides spike 23% in the three days following a heatwave. And for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit above the average summer temperature, those deaths increase by 5%. Continue reading...


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