The climate crisis and all the evil in the world drives me to despair

24. listopadu 2024 7:16


The world will continue to be absurd, but you, with all your passion, can still make your corner of it more bearableThe question I am finding it ever more difficult to be in this nasty world. Everything that I cherish is being destroyed and there is nowhere to go to find solace. I've always loved nature - but when I go for a walk now, I see every ash tree dying, I hear the loss of birdsong, I see how few insects there are. When I read the news, I just cannot comprehend how cruel humans are able to be, racism, misogyny, religious hate, cruelty to animals? The list is endless.I work in climate change and am having to pretend every day that there is still a chance we can prevent catastrophic climate change. I find it ever harder to be around people who don't get just how bad things are. I don't have kids and am single. I can't talk to my family about it because they are rightwing, wealthy climate sceptics. They patronise me (despite the fact I'm nearly 60 and a chief executive). Continue reading...


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