Drugs, hormones and excrement: the polluting pig mega-farms supplying pork to the world

25. listopadu 2024 12:31


Mexico is a leading international pork producer, but Yucatán residents say the waste oozing from hundreds of enormous hog farms is destroying the environmentThe stink of excrement was the first thing the residents of Sitilpech noticed when the farm opened in 2017. It hung over the colourful one-storey homes and kitchen gardens in the Maya town in Yucatán, and has never left. Next, the trees stopped bearing fruit, their leaves instead covered with black spots. Then, the water from the vast, porous aquifer emerged from the well with a horrible, overwhelming stench."Before, we used that water for everything: for cooking, for drinking, for bathing. Now we can't even give it to animals. Today, we have to give the chickens purified water because otherwise they get diarrhoea," says one resident. "The radishes grow thin and the coriander often turns yellow. This has always been a quiet town, where life was very good until that farm started," they say. Continue reading...


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