'I sort of fell apart': black summer bushfires' toll on the vets and carers helping Australian wildlife

4. ledna 2025 20:16


They spent their lives and careers looking after animals and when the 2019-20 fires erupted they responded on the front lines. Veterinarians and carers recall those months - and the impact it has had sinceGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastThe day before the fire front hit, the forest went deadly silent. Normally, says wildlife carer Susie Pulis, "if you are driving or walking in the bush it's nothing but chitter chatter. There's lots and lots of noise, all the different bird life and insects and everything buzzing around." But this was different. "The birds had gone."Pulis and her son were scouting around for animals before the fires hit. "We could see the fire in the distance, we could see the flames. Continue reading...


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