To resist the climate crisis, we must resist the billionaire class | Peter Kalmus

10. ledna 2025 16:31


To solve the climate crisis, power must flow away from the billionaire classWhen I feel uncertain, I find it's helpful to write down things I know to be true. Fossil fuels are causing irreversible planetary overheating. Overheating threatens essentially all life on Earth. Oil and gas executives knew this but they chose to systematically lie and block a climate transition. They continue to make this choice.I choose to focus my energy on the climate crisis because a habitable planet is a prerequisite for everything worth fighting for, and because the prospect of losing a planet feels horrific and sad to me in a primal way that I can't express with words. I'm also simply in love with the Earth. But planetary overheating is really just the most geophysical symptom of extractive colonial capitalism - "billionairism" - a system designed to pump wealth from the poor to the rich, creating billionaires, the healthcare crisis, the housing crisis, genocide, hierarchies like racism and patriarchy, and a great deal of suffering.Peter Kalmus is a climate scientist and author of Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution Continue reading...


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