Putricia the corpse flower: would you wait 3.5 hours to smell a rotten carcass? - video

24. ledna 2025 3:46


First there was Moo Deng, then there was Pesto the Penguin - but have you met Sydney's Putricia, the corpse flower? To the scientific community, the Botanic Gardens of Sydney's corpse flower is known as Amorphophallus titanum, which translates to 'large, deformed penis'. But online, the rare endangered plant has taken a life of its own. It's the first time a corpse flower has bloomed in the Royal Botanic Garden in 15 years - and when they do blossom, they last just 24 to 48 hours'Putricia for president': Sydney's blooming corpse flower becomes a cult hero - to those who can't smell herShe looks like a 'deformed penis' and smells like a dead possum: Sydney goes wild for its blooming corpse flower Continue reading...


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