I always needed background noise in my life. Then I turned off my phone and embraced the silence | Krissi Driver

3. února 2025 11:16


The cacophony around me seemed to drown out my daily worries until a writing retreat showed me there was a better way I've lived in South Korea for more than a decade, but it's only recently that I discovered just how loud it is here. The bing-bong when someone presses the "stop" button on the city bus, and the accompanying sing-songy announcements in Korean, the beeps of riders scanning their transit cards to board or depart; soju-drunk office workers loudly singing off-tune through neighbourhood alleyways; obnoxiously loud K-pop music blaring out of storefronts; and songs that seem to change key at record rates as delivery motorbikes speed out of range.In reality, I have relied on there being near-constant cacophony around me for the whole of my adult life. Without realising it, background noise became a kind of comfort to me, making me feel less alone. It started after university when I was barely scraping together a living, working jobs I didn't want to be doing. I would soothe my loneliness and isolation in the evenings by playing endless hours of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit just for the ambient sound - the comfort of Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler bringing criminals of the worst kind to justice.Krissi Driver is a writer based in South Korea Continue reading...


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