Endangered waves: why Australia's iconic surf spots could soon reach a breaking point

11. února 2025 15:16


Research reveals surf breaks are on the frontline of threats that could undermine access to and enjoyment of our famous beachesGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastSteph Curley glides atop the water on a 9.2ft, locally shaped long board. A sea turtle bobs among a couple of dozen surfers off a rocky headland in Noosa - dolphins frolic further out.Curley angles her single fin toward the boulder-strewn point and paddles on to a two-foot wave. The wave breaks steeply at first, but as Curley swings her big blue board towards the pandanus palms and tea trees that line the shore and give the bay its name, the wave peels gently, offering up a long, luxurious ride. The better surfers use these fun-size waves to practise party tricks, riding beside a mate, stalling their boards midwave or walking up to its nose and hanging 10 toes from the edge. Others just bend the knees slightly, lean back and take in the panorama through which they ride - lush eucalyptus and rainforest rising from the Pacific Ocean.Sign up for Guardian Australia's breaking news email Continue reading...


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