That new land use policy that the Tories call 'national suicide'? It's urgent, essential - and their idea | Henry Dimbleby

14. února 2025 11:16


No, it isn't a leftwing plot, it's a proposal I authored for the Conservatives in 2021. And it could be brilliantly transformative for EnglandLast week saw the launch of what could be - if done right - the most important political policy in a generation. You may not have heard about the new land use framework, but if you did hear something, chances are it wasn't good. "National suicide!" declared the shadow farming minister, Robbie Moore, who described the policy for good measure as "food lunacy".I should confess that I am the original author of this lunacy. It was one of the key recommendations of the 2021 National Food Strategy - an independent review I was commissioned to write by the then Tory government. The purpose of the land use framework was - is - sane enough. It is intended to inform and streamline planning decisions and steer other government incentives, to ensure that areas of land are used in ways they are naturally well suited to. Continue reading...


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