'A perfect storm': the dedicated rescuers caring for sodden seabirds blown in by Cyclone Alfred

15. března 2025 0:31


Birdwatchers' thrill of seeing birds up close that usually spend their lives at sea is tempered by sadness and pity at the extent of injuriesGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastMost people in Brisbane were battening down the hatches ahead of the arrival of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. For a few, though, it was one of the most exciting natural events of their lives.Over the course of the weekend and into Monday, throngs of birdwatchers lined the shores of Bramble Bay in the bayside suburbs of Shorncliffe, Sandgate and Redcliffe, telescopes and cameras at the ready.Sign up for a weekly email featuring our best reads Continue reading...


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