Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
International Institute for Environment and Development - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED [eko.]
International Institute for Environment and Development - IIED International Institute for Environment and Development [eko.]
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Mezinárodní banka pro rekonstrukci a rozvoj [eko.]
environment - okolí n:
detriment of environment - ekologická újma [eko.]
institute - zavést
institute - ústav n:
institute - katedra n:
institute - institut n:
institute - uvést
institute - ustanovit
institute - zahájit
institute - ustavit v:
institute - stav
Declaration on the Human Environment - Declaration on the Human Environment [eko.]
Environment Liaison Center - ELC Environment Liaison Center [eko.]
Environment Liaison Center - Environment Liaison Center ELC [eko.]
Panos Institute - Panos institut n: [eko.]
United Nations Environment Programme - United Nations Environment Programme UNEP [eko.]
United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP United Nations Environment Programme [eko.]
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment - United Nations Conference on the Human Environment [eko.]
development - vývoj n:
development - vyvinutí n:
development - vyvíjení n:
development - rozvinutí n:
development - pokrok n:
development - rozvojový adj:
development - rozvíjení n:
development - rozvoj n:
development - vývin n:
development - zdokonalování n:
sound development - zdravý vývoj
research & development - výzkum a vývoj
property development - majetkový rozvoj [eko.]
economic development - ekonomický rozvoj [eko.]
development of landscape - vývoj krajiny [eko.]
spontaneous development of landscape - samovolný vývoj krajiny [eko.]
Development Assistance Committee - DAC Development Assistance Committee [eko.]
Development Assistance Committee - Development Assistance Committee DAC [eko.]
infrastructure development as a subsidy. - budování infrastruktury jako subvence [eko.]
human development index - index vývoje lidstva [eko.]
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj [eko.]
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [eko.]
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD [eko.]
European Regional Development Fund /ERDF/ - Evropský regionální rozvojový fond [eko.]
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development /OECD/ - Organizace pro ekonomickou spolupráci a rozvoj [eko.]
international - mezinárodní adj:
international law - mezinárodní zákon [eko.]
international - mezistátní
international - internacionál
international trade - mezinárodní obchod [eko.]
international reserves - mezinárodní rezervy [eko.]
International Labour Organization /ILO/ - Mezinárodní organizace práce [eko.]
International Labor Organization - Mezinárodní organizace práce
International Referral System - IRS International Referral System [eko.]
International Referral System - International Referral System IRS [eko.]
International Year of the Quiet Sun - International Years of the Quiet Sun IQSY [eko.]
International Years of the Quiet Sun - IQSY International Years of the Quiet Sun [eko.]
IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) - mezinárodní fonetická abeceda n: [zkr.]
International Energy Agency (IEA). - mezinárodní agentura pro energii [eko.]
International Hydrological Decade - International Hydrological Decade [eko.]
International Biological Programme - International Biological Programme IBP [eko.]
International Biological Programme - IBP International Biological Programme [eko.]
international commodity agreements - mezinárodní dohody o komoditách [eko.]
international franchise agreements - mezinárodní dohody o koncesích [eko.]
International Geophysical Year - International Geophysical Year IGY [eko.]
International Geophysical Cooperation - International Geophysical Cooperation [eko.]
International Geophysical Year - IGY International Geophysical Year [eko.]
Consultative Group for International Agricultural *** - Consultative Group for International Agricultural *** [eko.]
Consultative Group for International Agricultural *** - CGIAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural *** [eko.]
International Atomic Energy Agency - International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA [eko.]
International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency [eko.]
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [eko.]
Convention on International Trade in Endangered *** - CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered *** [eko.]
International Commission on Radiological Protection - International Commission on Radiological Protection ICRP [eko.]
International Commission on Radiological Protection - ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection [eko.]
International Council of Scientific Unions - International Council of Scientific Unions ICSU [eko.]
International Council of Scientific Unions - ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions [eko.]
International Union for Corservation of Nature *** - IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature *** [eko.]
International Union for Conservation of Nature *** - International Union for Conservation of Nature *** [eko.]
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources - IBPGR International Board for Plant Genetic Resources [eko.]
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources - International Board for Plant Genetic Resources IBPGR [eko.]
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species *** - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species *** [eko.]