Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP United Nations Environment Programme [eko.]
United Nations Environment Programme - United Nations Environment Programme UNEP [eko.]
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment - United Nations Conference on the Human Environment [eko.]
United Nations - Spojené národy
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO [eko.]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [eko.]
United Nations Consultative Committee on the Ozon Layer - United Nations Consultative Committee on the Ozon Layer [eko.]
nations - národy pl.
environment - okolí n:
programme - program n:
programme - vysílání n:
detriment of environment - ekologická újma [eko.]
entitlement programme - program nárokovatelných dávek [eko.]
Man and the Biosphere Programme - Man and the Biosphere Programme MAB [eko.]
Man and the Biosphere Programme - MAB Man and the Biosphere Programme [eko.]
Declaration on the Human Environment - Declaration on the Human Environment [eko.]
Environment Liaison Center - ELC Environment Liaison Center [eko.]
Environment Liaison Center - Environment Liaison Center ELC [eko.]
International Biological Programme - IBP International Biological Programme [eko.]
International Biological Programme - International Biological Programme IBP [eko.]
conservation reserve programme - program ochrany rezervace [eko.]
International Institute for Environment and Development - IIED International Institute for Environment and Development [eko.]
International Institute for Environment and Development - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED [eko.]
united - spojený
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [eko.]
United Kingdom - Spojené království n: [zem.]
United Kingdom - Velká Británie n: [jmén.]
United States - Spojené státy
United Arab Emirates - Spojené Arabské Emiráty n: [jmén.]
United states of America - Spojené státy americké n: [zem.]
Virgin Islands of the United States - Panenské Ostrovy n: [jmén.]