Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
noise - lomoz n:
noise - hlomoz n:
noise - kravál
noise - rámus
noise - hluk n:
noise - zvuk n:
noise and number index - noise and number index NNI [eko.]
noise and number index - NNI noise and number index [eko.]
noise exposure forecast - noise exposure forecast NEF [eko.]
noise exposure forecast - NEF noise exposure forecast [eko.]
noiselessly - potichu adv:
noises - hluky
noises - zvuky
noise and number index - noise and number index NNI [eko.]
noise and number index - NNI noise and number index [eko.]
noise exposure forecast - noise exposure forecast NEF [eko.]
noise exposure forecast - NEF noise exposure forecast [eko.]
SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio [zkr.]
ASAN - Assessment System for Aircraft Noise [zkr.] [voj.]