Training Workshop on Implementing National Adaptation Porgrammes of Action
Seminář, školení
The COP by its decision 8/CP.13 extended the mandate of the least developed countries expert group (LEG) in supporting preparation and implementation strategy of NAPAs. Under its activities for 2008-2010, the LEG selected training workshops for implementing NAPAs as one of the priorities. A total of five training workshops have therefore be planned by the LEG in collaboration with the Global Environment Facilitty (GEF) and its agencies, and this is the first one in the series. The workshop is targeting Anglophone African LDCs, comprising 12 Parties to the UNFCCC.
The objective of the training is
- to provide technical support to LDC teams in the design of an implementation strategy for the NAPAs, and to build capacity of these teams in the preparation and submission of project documents (PIF, PPG and FSP document) to the GEF under the LDCF; and,
- where needed, to provide technical support to those LDC Parties that are still preparing their NAPAs.