Construction is the world's biggest polluter, yet Labour still refuses to tackle it | Simon Jenkins

19. listopadu 2024 11:16


Refurbishing an old building is subject to full VAT, but it isn't if you build a polluting new one. The government's priorities are all wrongYou can damn oil companies, abuse cars, insult nimbys, kill cows, befoul art galleries. But you must never, ever criticise the worst offender of all. The construction industry is sacred to both the left and the right. It may be the world's greatest polluter, but it is not to be criticised. It is the elephant in the global-heating room.It's hard not to feel as though we have a blind spot when it comes to cement, steel and concrete. A year has now passed since the UN's environment programme stated baldly that "the building and construction sector is by far the largest emitter of greenhouse gases". The industry accounts for "a staggering 37% of global emissions", more than any other single source. Yet it rarely gets the same attention as oil or car companies.Simon Jenkins is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...


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