Young country diary: Conkers on the ground, spiders in the boat | Betsy

23. listopadu 2024 13:31


The Essex waterways: There's lots of nature near my Pop's canal boat, and there's some inside it as wellI wander through a secret passageway to the canal, past ivy-wound fence panels and pebbles crunching under my feet. The pathway used to be overgrown but it's clearer now that chilly autumn has arrived.As I walk along the path, I notice the ruby red leaves, grasp some of the last blackberries and enjoy the bitterness on my tongue. Further along I see the familiar horse chestnut trees that always reveal the signs of the seasons. There are hedgehog-like conker shells scattered under their majestic branches. I know some have been collected by my Pop - there is a myth that conkers keep spiders away, so he has bowlfuls of them on his canal boat. I don't believe this is true though as his boat is still full of sneaky spiders that give me shivers up my spine. Continue reading...


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