The best Christmas trees: everything you need to know, from sustainability to style

28. listopadu 2024 19:01


Oh, Christmas trees, how lovely are your branches and are you going to cost the Earth? Our writer demystifies buying the perfect tree, whether real, potted, rental or artificial? The best Christmas baubles and decorations: 28 trinkets to deck the hallsFew things signal the beginning of Christmas like a beautifully dressed tree. But as more of us try to make sustainable choices, the idea of discarding a real tree come January can feel wasteful. The alternative - artificial trees - presents both a solution and a problem.Each type of tree - real, potted, rented or fake - has its benefits and drawbacks, while the right fit for each household will come down to various factors, including space, cost, care and lifestyle. As the Carbon Trust puts it: "The most sustainable choice will depend on the tree, your plans for reuse, then options for disposal." Continue reading...


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