Antioxidants in fruits and flowers seem to counteract harmful effects of microplastics, study shows

24. února 2025 14:01


Anthocyanins in nuts, fruits and vegetables seem to lesson harmful effects of microplastics on reproductive systemsSign up for the Detox Your Kitchen newsletterAntioxidants that give fruits and flowers their vibrant colors seem to counteract some of the most dangerous reproductive system effects of exposure to microplastics, such as decreased fertility, and could ultimately be used in developing treatments, new peer-reviewed research shows.The paper focused on microplastics' reproductive toxicity and plant compounds called anthocyanins, which are widely found in nuts, fruits and vegetables. The new review of scientific literature on anthocyanins found that the compounds are probably protective against a range of plastic-induced impacts on hormones, reductions in testosterone and estrogen, decreased sperm counts, lower sperm quality, erectile dysfunction and ovarian damage. Continue reading...


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