Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
Royal Society for Nature Conservation - Royal Society for Nature Conservation RSNC [eko.]
Royal Society for Nature Conservation - RSNC Royal Society for Nature Conservation [eko.]
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RSPB [eko.]
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds [eko.]
International Union for Conservation of Nature *** - International Union for Conservation of Nature *** [eko.]
royal - královský
royal-blue - modrofialová adj:
royal blue - modrofialová adj:
society - spolek n:
society - kolektiv
conservation - konzervace n:
conservation - uchování n:
conservation - zachování n:
National Audubon Society - National Audubon Society [eko.]
National Society for Clean Air - National Society for Clean Air [eko.]
landscape conservation - ochrana krajiny [eko.]
Botanical Society of the British Isles - Botanical Society of the British Isles BSBI [eko.]
Botanical Society of the British Isles - BSBI Botanical Society of the British Isles [eko.]
nature - charakter n:
nature - povaha
nature - podstata n:
nature - naturel
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** - CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** - Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** [eko.]
conservation reserve programme - program ochrany rezervace [eko.]
special landscape conservation - speciální ochrana krajiny [eko.]
nature reserve - nature reserve [eko.]
human nature - lidská povaha n:
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife *** - Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife *** [eko.]
Nature Conservancy Council - NCC Nature Conservancy Council [eko.]
Nature Conservancy Council - Nature Conservancy Council NCC [eko.]
National Nature Reserve - National Nature Reserve NNR [eko.]
National Nature Reserve - NNR National Nature Reserve [eko.]
International Union for Corservation of Nature *** - IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature *** [eko.]