Anglicko-český překladový slovník environmentálních výrazů
conservation reserve programme - program ochrany rezervace [eko.]
programme - vysílání n:
programme - program n:
conservation - zachování n:
conservation - uchování n:
conservation - konzervace n:
Man and the Biosphere Programme - Man and the Biosphere Programme MAB [eko.]
Man and the Biosphere Programme - MAB Man and the Biosphere Programme [eko.]
entitlement programme - program nárokovatelných dávek [eko.]
landscape conservation - ochrana krajiny [eko.]
International Biological Programme - International Biological Programme IBP [eko.]
International Biological Programme - IBP International Biological Programme [eko.]
special landscape conservation - speciální ochrana krajiny [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** - CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** - Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic *** [eko.]
United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP United Nations Environment Programme [eko.]
United Nations Environment Programme - United Nations Environment Programme UNEP [eko.]
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme [eko.]
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife *** - Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife *** [eko.]
Royal Society for Nature Conservation - RSNC Royal Society for Nature Conservation [eko.]
Royal Society for Nature Conservation - Royal Society for Nature Conservation RSNC [eko.]
International Union for Conservation of Nature *** - International Union for Conservation of Nature *** [eko.]
reserve - zajistit si
reserve - zásoba, záloha, rezerva [eko.]
reserve - rezervní
reserve - zajistit
reserve - zamluvit
reserve - rezervovat
reserve - rezerva
depreciation reserve - oprávka n:
nature reserve - nature reserve [eko.]
reserve creation - tvorba rezervy
reserve fund - rezervní fond [eko.]
reserve irrigation - zásobní závlaha [eko.]
depreciation reserve - oprávky n:
Federal Reserve - Americká Centrální Banka
biosphere reserve - biosférická rezervace [eko.]
exponential reserve index - exponenciální index rezerv [eko.]
National Nature Reserve - National Nature Reserve NNR [eko.]
reserve irrigation norm - zásobní závlahová dávka [eko.]
National Nature Reserve - NNR National Nature Reserve [eko.]
minimum reserve requirements - povinné minimální bankovní rezervy
static reserve index - statický index rezerv [eko.]