'Surely we are smarter than mowing down 1,000-year-old trees to make T-shirts' - the complex rise of viscose

1. červenece 2024 16:18


You would be forgiven for thinking that your wood pulp top is sustainable. But you might be surprised to hear just how many forests are being felled to make itYou might think that wearing a top made from wood pulp would give instant eco-credentials - it is renewable, biodegradable, and, having once been a tree, it has soaked up some carbon along the way. What's more, it's not plastic. This is why many brands are opting for viscose, Lycocell, acetate and modal - soft, silky, semi-synthetic fabrics made from tree-pulp - as an apparently more sustainable option.Except that the chances are that your wood-pulp top may not be so green. "Deforestation continues to be a problem," says Nicole Rycroft, who founded Canopy, a Vancouver-based NGO, 10 years ago to help protect ancient and endangered forests. The NGO's initiative CanopyStyle focuses on fashion. "It's 2024 - surely we are smarter than mowing down 1,000-year-old trees to make T-shirts." Continue reading...


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